
33865 Well Woven Shag Beige Area Rug

Good condition in plastic. Well Woven Shag Beige Area Rug. Indoor. Solid. Mid-century. Modern. Jute backing. Vacuum regularly. Machine made. Fade, stain resistant. Safe for wood floors. Dimensions: 7.25'W x 5.25'L x 1.8" pile height.

31956 Flexgard Utility Mat

In good condition. Flexgard Utility Mat. Superior traction. Fights fatigue. Reduces noise. Non absorbent. Rubber. Indoor/outdoor. Protects floors. Dimensions: 48"W x 0.25"T x 96"L.

34464 Tayse Eco Area Rug

Good condition in box. Tayse Eco Area Rug. Black/white. Indoor/outdoor. Border coastal. Wash with water. Machine made. Fade, stain resistant. Border pattern. Dimensions: 8.82"W x 12.27"L x 0.04" pile height.


31255 Tredmor 2580 Flooring Underlayment Roll 2pk 2pk

Good condition. Tredmor 2580 flooring underlayment rolls (2pk). Made from synthetic rubber material with moisture resistance. Each roll is 270-sq ft. with a 6.35-mm thickness.
$149.99 $75.00

34079 Couristan Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug

Good condition in plastic wrap. Couristan Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug. Recife. Black-cocoa. Solid. Wicker stitch. Polypropylene backing. Vacuum, sweep, hose off regularly. Fade, fire, flame, stain, uv protective. Dimensions: 7.5'W x 10.75'L x 0.03" pile heigh

31334 Mohawk M92X Flooring Adhesive

Good condition. Mohawk M92X flooring adhesive in a 4-gal bucket. Moisture-curing modified urethane adhesive for glue-down solid, engineered and parquet wood flooring. Moisture mitigation of up to 90% RH.