
34459 Gertmenian Naples Area Rug

Good condition in wrap. $306 elsewhere. Gertmenian Naples Area Rug. Soroa black and white. Rectangular shape. Machine made. Polypropylene material. Border pattern. Stain resistant. Woven. UV protection. Weight 34 lbs. Dimensions: 105"W x 157"L

31317 Shaw Vinyl Flooring (Tangerine)

In box, good condition. Shaw vinyl flooring in a tangerine finish. Glue down installation and rubber backing. Each box contains 16 pieces for a total of 35.95-sq ft. per box. Individual plank dimensions: 9-in W x 3-mm T x 36-in L.

34449 Jonathan Y Mercer Shag Area Rug

Good condition. Jonathan Y Mercer Shag Area Rug. Plush White. Indoor. Solid mid century. Heat resistant. Dimensions: 4' ft. x 6' ft.

34448 Nourison QUARRY Area Rug

Good Condition in packaging. Nourison QUARRY Area Rug. Grey/Beige Mineral Inspired Color. Runner. Dimensions: 2' ft. 2" x 7' ft. 6".

31616 Rubber Flooring Underlayment

Good Condition in box. Rubber Flooring Underlayment. Black. Sound dampening. Dimensions: 48"W x 10-ft. long.

31334 Mohawk M92X Flooring Adhesive

Good condition. Mohawk M92X flooring adhesive in a 4-gal bucket. Moisture-curing modified urethane adhesive for glue-down solid, engineered and parquet wood flooring. Moisture mitigation of up to 90% RH.